Friday, March 30, 2012

Long text column not accepting

Hi DBAs,
I am very new in SQL server. I created a table where one column is varchar(8000). But when I am trying to insert value from enterprise manager this column cann't accept a long text value. I counted that its' capacity is 1012 charecters. I have tried a lot but don't know how to solve this. I really need help from you. Pls help.

Thanks in advance

Rajat RaychaudhuriI am under pressure , pls advice me soon|||Use Query Analyzer.|||Have you tried using INSERT statement from QA? What's the total length of your record?|||Thanx friends. From Query Analyzer it worked.
Rajat|||If you are new to this, one quick note. SQL Server's Row Byte size is limited somewhere right around 8k bytes for physical data stored in the database. So, if the table has other columns in it, you might be in for trouble. Switching a very large column to Text may save you some future hassle. Of course, it could cause you a little hassle right now. :)|||I respect people that appreciate the value of TEXT/IMAGE datatypes ;)|||A little hassle now? That's not near as much hassle as it could cause him down the road.


Go ahead...your turn now.|||TEXT/NTEXT/IMAGE columns definitely have their place. They can do things that are otherwise impossible in SQL Server. I don't see them as substitutes for VARCHAR or NVARCHAR any more than I see DATETIME as a substitute... Under certain rigorous conditions any of them might work, but as a generic substitute they are poor choices.

-PatP|||Switching a very large column to Text

-----------|||Is this a question? And how large is "very large"?|||I think he means it's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery large.

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