Monday, March 26, 2012

Long line of text error

After working on a package for a while, I started to get the following error
when re-opening the package:
"Document contains one or more extremely long lines of text.
These lines will cause the editor to respond slowly when you open the file.
Do you still want to open the file?"
What is the problem and if there is fix or workaround?
Thanks.There is no fix or workaround however don't worry because there isn't a problem either. Its just a VS thing rather than a SSIS thing that's all.

I think (but may be wrong) it appears when you have a pre-compiled script task/component in your package. Perhaps you could confirm?

-Jamie|||Yes, I have precompiled script tasks in package. Otherwise they don't work :)|||Don't they?

This is a complete digression from the main point of this thread but...why not? What error do you get?


P.S. As I say, forget about the "long lines of text" thing!|||it's on this tread
actually I had the same problem. with precompilation I get no error.

ps. thanks for answering on "long line text..." stuff.

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