Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Long Running Query - Only from .NET

I have a pretty complex query that aggregates lots of data and inserts multiple rows of that data into a reporting table. When I call this SPROC from SQL Server Management Studio, it executes in under 3 seconds. When I try to execute the same SPROC using .NET's SqlCommand object the query runs indefinitely until the CommandTimeout is reached.

Why would this SPROC behave differently with the same inputs, but being called from .NET?

Thanks for your help!

Turn on debugging, make sure the query isn't causing exception.



I am debugging in .Net, I don't get an exception until the Timeout is reached.


I fixed it! It was the return method. I was using 'RETURN @.@.ROWCOUNT' rather than 'SELECT @.@.ROWCOUNT'

Thanks for your help

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