I have a very long
report that I would like to appear all on one page. I want to be able to
scroll from the top to the bottom without having to use the little page
selector. How do I do this?
I got it to work for
one report so I know it's possible. I just can't figure out why it works for
that report and not for other reports.
Greg Van
Has anyone even tried this?|||Hi,
Can you try with giving the report size - height as long as you expect the report to be? That will show the report in one page. However, if you try to print that report, it will compact the content and print all the content in one page (depends on what paper size you use)
|||Interesting idea. I will give it a try. However, I still think there is an easire/better way. I have a long report where I did nothing special but it appears all on one page. Unfortunately I don't know what I did...Thanks,
Greg|||I assume you are using HTML or report preview. You can set the InteractiveHeight property on the Report to 0 in order to have everything on one page. You could also get this if you have toggleable or conditionally hidden items in the report.
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